My UX Design Portfolio

The Keto Yummies Bakery App

Click on any of the images below to be taken to the Google Docs case study slide deck for this project. Click the project title above to go straight to the prototype.

keto-yummies-homepage-img keto-yummies-navigation-img keto-yummies-payment-img keto-yummies-profile-img

The Happy Friends Animal Shelter App and Website

Click on one of the images below to be taken to the Google Docs case study slide deck for this project. Click the project title above to go straight to the prototype.

HappyFriendsMobileHomepage-img HappyFriendsHomepageWebsite-img

The Donate Your Stuff App and Responsive Website

Click on any of the images below to be taken to the Google Docs case study slide deck for this project. Click the project title above to go straight to the prototype.

DonateYourStuffMobile-img DonateYourStuffTablet-img DonateYourStuffWeb-img

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